Das unabhängige Forschungszentrum Forrester hat Adobe mit zwei anderen Unternehmen zu Leadern im Web-Analytics-Markt ernannt. Sieben Anbieter wurden im “The Forrester Wave™: Web Analytics, Q4 2017” Report bewertetet. Adobe erhielt von allen teilnehmenden Anbietern die höchste Punktzahl in den aktuellen Angebots- und Marktpräsenz-Kategorien sowie in neun weiteren Kriterien, darunter Analyse und Reporting, künstliche Intelligenz, Dateningestion, Dashboards und Warnmeldungen, Datenablage, Modell und Zugriff, Performance, Partner Ecosystem, Web Analytics-Revenue und Anzahl der Unternehmenskunden. Adobe behält seine dominante Position und Stärke am Web Analytics-Markt, heißt es im Report, der hier zum Download zur Verfügung steht.
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Nov. 7, 2017 — Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced that the company has been recognized as a leader in “The Forrester Wave™: Web Analytics, Q4 2017” report. Of the seven vendors evaluated, Adobe was among two named a leader for its strength within the web analytics market. Adobe received the highest scores of all participating vendors in the current offering and market presence categories, as well as in nine criteria, including analytics and reporting; artificial intelligence; data ingestion; dashboards and alerts; data repository, model and access; performance; partner ecosystem; web analytics revenue and number of enterprise customers.
“Adobe maintains its dominant position and strength within the web analytics market,” stated Forrester in its Web Analytics Report. “… Adobe has sought to emphasize features that democratize meaningful and actionable digital insights to anyone in the enterprise. It has concentrated efforts on making the UI more intuitive and building on capabilities that allow the exploration of data breakdowns, relationships and comparisons.” A complimentary copy of “The Forrester Wave™: Web Analytics, Q4 2017” report is available for download here.
“We are proud to be recognized as a leader in web analytics,” said Bill Ingram, vice president, Adobe Analytics Cloud. “Building on our long heritage in web and customer analytics, as well as delivering continual innovation in this space, we’ve helped define this important category. This expertise, combined with Adobe’s creative legacy, proves that Adobe Experience Cloud is unique in helping high-growth brands deliver intelligent, intuitive and effective customer experiences.”
Adobe Analytics Cloud is the award-winning analytics backbone of Adobe Experience Cloud, which helps clients manage more than 150 trillion data transactions annually. It is the industry’s best-selling and most advanced enterprise analytics solution. Major brands, including two-thirds of the Fortune 100, leverage Adobe Analytics Cloud for customer intelligence including T-Mobile, The Home Depot, Mastercard, Ford, MGM Resorts, Citibank, Dell, NBC Universal, Heathrow Airport and thousands more.
About Adobe Analytics Cloud
Adobe Analytics Cloud, part of Adobe Experience Cloud, is the customer intelligence engine that powers businesses by enabling them to move from insights to action in real-time by uniquely integrating audience data across all Adobe clouds. Adobe Analytics Cloud combines Adobe Audience Manager, the leading data and audience management platform, and Adobe Analytics, the industry leading solution for applying real-time analytics and detailed audience segmentation across all marketing channels. Built on the Adobe Cloud Platform, which provides open APIs, a standard data model, and Adobe Sensei, Adobe’s unified AI and machine learning framework, Adobe Analytics Cloud enables brands to better capture, aggregate, rationalize and understand vast amounts of their own disparate data and then translate that data into singular profiles of their customers.
About Adobe
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information, visit www.adobe.com.
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