München – Adobe Systems hat heute ein spezielles Upgrade-Programm für Videoprofis angekündigt, das ihnen einen einfachen und kosteneffizienten Umstieg auf Adobe Werkzeuge zur Filmbearbeitung in Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5.5 und Adobe® Creative Suite® 5.5 Production Premium ermöglicht. Anwender, die Produkte von Apple® Final Cut Pro oder Avid Media Composer erworben haben und auf Adobe Software umsteigen möchten, erhalten bei einem Wechsel 50 Prozent Preisnachlass auf Premiere Pro CS5.5 oder Production Premium CS5.5.
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Das Programm ist bis zum 30. September 2011 verfügbar. Weitere Informationen zu den Berechtigungen und teilnehmenden Händlern finden sich unter www.adobe.com/products/premiere/switch sowie in der englischsprachigen Originalmeldung im Folgenden.
Adobe Announces Switcher Program For Video Professionals
Save 50 Percent on Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5 Production Premium or Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
SAN JOSE, Calif. — July 1, 2011 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced an upgrade program for video professionals who have purchased any version of Apple® Final Cut Pro or Avid Media Composer and want to switch to industry-leading professional video tools by Adobe®—Creative Suite® CS5.5 Production Premium or Premiere® Pro CS5.5. These customers will be eligible for a 50 percent savings on Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5 Production Premium or Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, both launched in April 2011 at the National Association of Broadcasters Show to industry acclaim. Eligible Adobe suite and point product customers also qualify for the program.
“We’re hearing from video professionals that they want pro level tools that address cutting edge work but also allow them to use legacy footage and workflows,” said Jim Guerard, general manager and vice president of professional video and audio, Adobe. “At Adobe we’ve been in the trenches with video pros for years and with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 and CS5.5 Production Premium we’ve delivered professional-grade tools that are already being battle-tested by some of the most innovative filmmakers, broadcasters and video pros.”
Built by professionals for professionals, Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium is a fully featured video suite with tools that deliver massive productivity enhancements and enable video and audio pros to dramatically accelerate their post production workflows. The powerful Adobe Mercury Playback Engine, introduced in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, allows users to open projects faster, get real-time feedback for more GPU-accelerated features, and work more smoothly at 4k and higher resolutions on both laptops and workstations.
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 boosts performance for powerful editing with a toolset that is native 64-bit, optimized for multicore systems, and is GPU-accelerated to provide real-time effects, color correction/color grading, accelerated rendering and superior multilayer performance. Professional video editors can also utilize all the system resources on modern Macs with Thunderbolt, 64-bit, and multicore CPUs for increased performance. Adobe is continuing to lead in truly native editing solutions with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 as it saves users time and eliminates the need to transcode or rewrap file based and DSLR footage. Editors can also leverage Adobe After Effects® and Adobe Photoshop® software to seamlessly integrate visual effects and still imagery into their workflows. For customers who use other editing programs, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 includes Final Cut Pro project import and export so projects can be shared between both applications without conversion or re-rendering. Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 also includes many Final Cut Pro and Avid keyboard shortcuts to help users get up and running fast.
Eligibility Requirements
For more information on eligibility requirements for the switcher program, visit www.adobe.com/products/premiere/switch, or participating resellers. The program will end Sept. 30, 2011.